Emmeline Niolon Completes Capstone
Friday, March 14th, 2025
On Wednesday, February 5, Athens Academy senior Emmeline Niolon successfully defended her Athens Academy Capstone project, “The Gospel of Mark: A Historical, Literary, and Theological Study.” Emmeline set out on her Capstone journey initially intending to study the first- century context in which the Gospel of Mark was written. An early conversation with Capstone advisor Kate Towery helped Emmeline to realize that her interests lay in a different direction: “What I have found the most interesting and informative in studying the text is the Markan literary devices used and the theological points they are making. The more I have learned, the more my appreciation for ancient Biblical texts has grown, but even more than this, I have learned just how much I still do not know.”
Emmeline has devoted over 400 hours of her time to reading, reflecting, and studying the Markan Gospel and scholarly texts on the subject including Mark: A Commentary by Eugene Boring and Jesus the King by Timothy Keller. She wrote her junior research paper on a rhetorical analysis of Mark, seeking to answer the question, “What rhetorical strategies and literary devices does Mark use to establish Jesus’ role as the Messiah?”
Throughout her Capstone project, Emmeline has sought guidance from many scholars and experts, including her mentors Bryan Pulliam, the chair of Athens Academy’s Strength and Conditioning program, and Dr. Edward Bolen, retired senior pastor of Milledge Avenue Baptist Church. She also worked with humanities teachers Russ Hovater and Mike Butler as part of their classes on the Old and New Testament. Emmeline also met with Dr. Alan Culpepper, professor emeritus at Mercer University; Dr. Wayne Coppins, the dean of the UGA Department of Religion; and Dr. Robert Foster, New Testament professor at UGA. These conversations and classes represent countless hours spent learning and reflecting on the Markan Gospel.
Emmeline was inspired to serve others as part of her exploration of the Gospel, and she did this through her work with the Interact Club, participating in the weekly Friday night dinners at the Athens Area Homeless Shelter as well as the Ice Out Hunger and Rise Against Hunger events last spring. Emmeline has led multiple Bible study sessions through Spartan Christian Fellowship, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, the Athens Academy First Fridays Prayer Group, and her own Tuesday morning study group specifically for the study of the Gospel of Mark. Her service leadership has had an enormous impact on her peers and teachers. “This study has helped me understand the linguistic context of the Bible and the impact of different writing styles on Scripture itself,” says Bible study member Dyllan Adams ’27. “I’ve never approached the Bible in this way before, but I am really enjoying each meeting! Similarly, the study has opened a doorway for my friends and me to discuss theological opinions and our own faith.”
One of the greatest outcomes of Emmeline’s Capstone work has been to teach others something new and watch as they make the connections for themselves. Her work has also
inspired her to a higher level of humility in the role of the servant to others in need. The Capstone committee voted unanimously to pass Emmeline’s project in February. She will continue her study of the Bible at the University of Georgia this fall, where she plans to major in landscape architecture.
The Capstone Project is an opportunity for Upper School students to explore a passion via four criteria: research, mentorship, experiential learning, and an outward contribution. Each student submits a research paper detailing an aspect of the project, and they defend the project before a committee of faculty and administrators, similar to a Ph.D. oral defense. Students whose projects are approved by the committee receive the Capstone designation at commencement in May.
Athens Academy is an independent, co-educational school for students in K3 through 12th grade, located on a beautiful 152-acre campus in Northeast Georgia. Now in its 57th year, Athens Academy pursues its mission of “excellence with honor” through academics, athletics, fine arts, and service and leadership. Ranked the #1 private school in Athens, #6 private school in the state of Georgia (out of 400+ schools), and #1 private school in North Georgia (Niche.com).
For more information, please contact Kelley Cuneo, communications director, at [email protected] or 706-433-2410.