Piedmont Athens Provides 638 Free Sports Physicals to Student Athletes
Monday, May 13th, 2024
Piedmont Athens Regional Medical Center and the Piedmont Orthopedic and Sports Medicine clinic recently held its annual sports physicals event, which provided 638 high school student athletes from area schools with sports physicals for the upcoming school year at no cost.
During the event, providers complete required documentation such as the American Academy of Pediatrics Sport Physical Form, which includes a vital sign assessment, an orthopedic functional motor screening, and a physical exam.
"In order to compete in high school athletics, these students are required to complete a pre-participation sports physical exam," said Katie Terrell, an athletic trainer at Piedmont Athens Regional Medical Center who helped to coordinate the event. "We are excited to offer this opportunity to ensure these athletes complete this important state requirement."
Physicians, physician assistants, athletic trainers, physical therapists and physical therapy assistants, nurses, and providers from the hospital’s community education department were stationed throughout the Orthopedics and Sports Medicine and Sports Medicine Outpatient Rehab facility at the Oconee Health Campus to conduct the physicals
Understanding that there were hundreds of student athletes in the area who required their sports physical exams, Terrell says they saw a way to engage with the community and help students and families not only complete the requirement but also identify potential health concerns early. This is the sixth year Piedmont has offered this opportunity to area students.
“We hope this event makes it easier for students to make sure they are healthy and able to safely participate in extracurricular and sports activities,” said Terrell. “We’re proud to make a positive difference in their high school experience.”
"These students work so hard throughout the school year. We all really enjoy pitching in and helping them succeed," Terrell said.
For more information about Piedmont Athens Regional’s Orthopedic Sports Medicine Program, visit piedmont.org.